Unna Boot Bandages 4” x 10 yds


Unna Boot Bandages 4” x 10 yds


Unna Boot Bandage uses a non-raveling thread locked gauze, which prevents wound entanglement.

SKU: 3454DYN Category:


Unna Boot Bandages are made with a unique knit construction contain a soothing zinc oxide paste formula, which is ideal for treatment of venous stasis leg ulcers, thrombophlebitis, lymphatic edema, sprains, strains and dislocations.
For treatment of venous stasis leg ulcers, thrombophlebitis, lymphatic edema, sprains, strains, and dislocations
Soothing zinc oxide paste formula
Plain or with calamine
Enhances patient comfort
Individually foil-wrapped bandages
Unique knit construction allows for more uniform distribution of paste
Finished edges; will not fray into wound site
Rolled on inner core for easier application